The days in which we are living are uncertain. Sickness, social unrest and economic disruptions are hitting hard and close to home. Life can be grueling. During hardship and difficulty, it is easy to become overwhelmed. But losing hope and wanting to quit only make things worse. How is it possible to continue on with a good attitude? By trusting God.
I have had to learn to trust during extreme pain and turmoil. Several of my children have gone before me to inherit the kingdom of Heaven. I have also undergone much pain from abuse. But I have learned that I can’t look back. I can’t dwell on the valleys and shadows that have cropped up in my life. It hasn’t been easy and I still find myself feeling the pain, especially when more pressure and difficulties have erupted around me. Such as the times in which we are currently living.
I have found that hope springs eternal. It is in the deepest wells of our hearts that we will find spiritual empathy and compassion-a tiny glimmer of hope that grows within as we focus on things of eternal perspective. Things such as mercy, grace, love, and growing from our pain into better and more accomplished people. This is only possible with our Father-our eternal comfort and provider of love and light.
Conflict Summons Change available here.
It has taken me a long time to come to this state of acceptance. But it is a welcomed change from the bitterness and anger that has ravaged my soul in the past. It is easy to become angry when we are attacked and when we lose things that we love and hold very near and dear to our hearts. It is difficult to foster a sense of acceptance in times of great angst. But that which is of value is that which takes time and resolve to bring forth.
Knowing we haven’t lost is critical when we look at the bigger picture and see that God provides our comfort and saves our loved ones so that we can unite once again beyond Heaven’s gates. It is more of a sense of being than a state of living. It is a perception and awakening of hope and possibilities of good to come. It is true that united we stand-not just together with others around us but also within our hearts and being. A house divided against itself cannot stand. And when we see and feel so much pain and bitterness, we become divided against ourselves, our inner essence and truth.
We were created to be love and light, not pain and darkness. We were created to know truth and to walk our destined paths. We cannot do this when we are consumed in bitterness and depression. I encourage you to journey within-to find that tiny place deep inside your heart that whispers, “It will be okay.” And grasp hold of that voice or feeling. Feed it love and respect. Water it with hope and prayer. You can find the strength to continue and the courage to hold on. You are a gift and you’ve been given a gift, a destined truth that only you can fulfill. Find it, believe in it and reach for it. Have faith that it will happen. As you do these things, you will be led to a more peaceful and promising future-your destined reason and purpose, your goal to achieve. Then you will be able to hang tough when the valleys come. Fight the good fight of faith with prosperity and intention. Choose to live with grace and purpose!