In case you're not on my mailing list, here is the highlight from my April newsletter! If you like it, feel free to subscribe to my mailing list here on my website! I'd love to get to know you!
Rebirth. Rejuvenation. Regeneration. All are aspects of spring. It is a time of beginnings and growth. But no new beginning is without its pain and learning.
Just as the flowers peep forth from the soil, so new attitudes and thought processes peep forth from our psyche. In order to have regeneration, we must have conflict and resolution. It's just part of the process.
Many times we try our best to avoid the pain. It is a natural tendency to want to run and hide when pain rears its ugly head. But if we try to remember that with pain comes new realizations and possibilities, the pain won't loom so large and ugly on our horizons.
It's all about acceptance. There are so many things that we can't control in life. Death, bills, accidents, trauma, even birth and things that we perceive to be good things can bring on the winds of turmoil. And if we dig our heels in and refuse to admit and accept that these things are happening, it will cause us to suffer even more needlessly than we already are.
There is a gift in acceptance. The gift of awareness and humility. If we allow the winds of life to blow as they will and we bend with their gusts, we will find ourselves more able to deal with the changes that come. Resistance does not give birth to resilience. Acceptance does.
When times get rough, don't resist. Think of all the tiny seeds in your yard that are working so hard to peep up above the soil. They may have to battle rocks and clay, stuck amidst hard clumps of grass. It is no easy task for a seed to emerge from the ground. And then there is always the possibility that an animal may eat the seedling or a human may step on it. Even so, the seed continues to grow wrapped in God's love and care.
May your April be one of acceptance and rebirth so that you can discover new horizons in the future!