Some of you may be familiar with my story by now. But many of you aren't. It's my hope that the books I write will help my readers emerge from hardship and trauma with valiant trust that things will get better again. That life will even out and be okay. That is the core reason why I write.
Over the course of fifty plus years of living, I have experienced quite a bit. My life has been difficult. For the first thirty years I felt like I had been pummelled by the hands of fate. I was disconcerted, angry, heartbroken, and depressed. I had been molested from the age of two to twelve. From there I became an alcoholic and was addicted to drugs. During those years I got pregnant, not realizing it, and drank and did drugs up until I realized I was pregnant. My doctor counseled me to have an abortion. I did. Now I deeply regret my actions. Then I quit doing so many drugs but continued in alcoholism. I found myself pregnant again. I went into preterm labor and my baby girl died. That nearly decimated me. But somehow I walked out of the rubble, though I was stunned and ashamed. For twenty years I mourned my actions. It was during those twenty years that I got married and had two more children. My youngest was born with a rare syndrome. I lived in fear for the first ten years of her life. Her doctors told me that she would be fine. They said she'd lead a full, healthy life. I finally began to feel as though everything would work out. Eight years later (nearly two years ago now), she died. At the tender age of eighteen. That was the icing on the cake. I literally threw myself to the winds of fate and felt I knew nothing about life. After digging myself out of the ashes once again I wrote Finding Hope In The Darkness Of Grief.
I wish I could say life was easy but I know it isn't. Every day I watch the news with one eye closed (I really dislike negativity now-I strive to stay very positive) as my husband watches TV. So much trauma. So much pain. I realize I'm not the only one suffering. Everyone suffers at least some time in their lives. That is why I wrote Finding Hope In The Darkness Of Grief. And my other two books: Breaking The Silence and Poetry and Ponderings. I wanted to help others by letting them know they're not alone. I wanted to pass on the things that I've learned so that my work could be a place of refuge for my readers.
It's been rough. "The hard way" is a statement I can attest to. Over the years I've developed a deep faith in God. My books are packed with spiritual insight and wisdom that I have gleaned over the past fifty plus years. Without my faith I would have sunk under the pressure that I've been confronted with time and time again.
If you're suffering, or know someone who is, please take a look at my work. I truly wish to be of help. I'd love to hear stories from my readers that attest to what my writing meant to them. Feel free to contact me. I'm all over the internet-facebook, bluesky, and pinterest is where I hang out the most.
Now that you know my motives for writing, I'd love to hear from you!