I created this piece years ago when I was in the process of healing from my trauma. While I was creating it, I felt like the tree above the soil; empty, alone and devoid of life. I had faith that things would get better, but I didn't know how long it would take. I reminded myself to be patient. Eventually, I began to feel like the roots of the tree. I was filled with God's love and found my purpose for living. Thus, this simple piece was born.
I have this drawing for sale on Fine Art America and Red Bubble. Here is the description I created for this piece as seen on both sites:
To the parched soul, God's light brings healing and oneness. The only way to wholeness and completion is being joined with God in His heavenly light and breath. God shines His light upon us and it is up to our own individual discretion as to whether we receive Him or not. Reception of Him grows in us strong roots of love.
If you are unfamiliar with my story, I have it written in my book Breaking The Silence. It is a fictional account (because names and places have been changed) of my life. It is true and it is what I experienced. My art reflects the stages I've been through in my journey of healing. I hope you enjoy this simple yet heartfelt piece.
Best wishes and blessings,