Not only is natural light important for our bodies, but so is spiritual light-the inspiration we receive from spiritual practice.
In our crazy world with its ups and downs, we need a calming influence. A reminder that we can find refuge amidst the chaos and calamity of the societies in which we live. Inspiration means different things to different people. But the basis is the same for everyone. And that basis is peace, hope and meaning within our day to day timelines. No matter where we come from, those are the things we crave. And people receive that guidance or uplifting presence from their religion, beliefs and activities.
For me, a Christian perspective has helped me navigate through a lot of pain and turmoil. And stemming from that perspective is my daily act of writing and artistry. When I am overwhelmed or stressed out, I sit down at my computer and begin to create. I also do it when I’m relaxed. But I find that artistry lends a presence of Spirit and hope to my day.
Whether it’s cooking, exercising, meeting new people or taking a trip to someplace new, everyone has an outlet in which they find hope and meaning. And recently I’ve been focusing even more on spiritual art and poetry. I’m trying new things, expanding my horizons.
The piece you see below is entitled Let Your Light Shine. It’s a mixed media work in which I share my belief that everyone has something important to offer-a destiny to fulfill. I hope that this work will persuade you to shine your light. The world is in need of love and encouragement. When you decide to let your light shine, I know you’ll be so glad that you did!
Let Your Light Shine available here.