“What’s going to happen? Do you even care?” she looked at him, her eyes welling with tears.
“I don’t know. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring,” he rubbed her back.
“Why aren’t you worried? Why are you acting like this is just another day? Our father is sick. He might die.” She sniffled. A lonely tear fell down her cheek.
“We can’t change it. We have to take it one day at a time and see what happens. If we fall apart, it won’t do either of us any good.” He looked at her, pushing his dark hair behind his ear. “It might be fine. You don’t know. Why always take the pessimistic route? It could turn out better somehow. I’ve seen stranger things happen.” He fidgeted with the ring on his middle finger.
“It seems like you’re trying to talk yourself into that being a reality. How could our father in ICU be a good thing? How in the heck could that make things better than before?” Her voice was edgy.
He answered quietly, “Well, when mom died, it brought us closer together. You never know the outcome until you’re living it.”
“Yeah. It’s pretty pathetic that her death had to be the reason we started talking again.” She glared at him.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “But it’s true. You never know how something will affect you until you live through it. And I’m really glad we’re closer now.”
“I guess. But I don’t want dad to die. Losing mom two years ago was enough for me.”
“I know. I don’t either. But you have to accept whatever happens. Any other choice would end up screwing you over somehow. You have to take the good with the bad. That’s just how life goes.” He leaned back against the car, waiting for her to reply.
She was staring straight ahead in a daze. An awkward silence fell over them.
During these stressful times, don’t give up hope. Stay as positive as you can and try to be a friend for someone to lean on. We all need each other. And the flip side of this virus is showing us that reality. What we do affects those around us. Instead of becoming fearful and angry, try to be caring and understanding. A little good goes a long way!
My art entitled Faith.