What Are Your Plans?

After a year of silence, I have decided to begin posting blogs again. I had a while to think about life, my plans, and what I hoped to do going forward. I’ve been stuck, not sure if I wanted to continue writing. Things that happened in the last year made me unable to write much of anything besides very short 4-8 stanza poetry pieces. I didn’t know how to proceed.

I’ve been feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to post on my blog to lift others up and help them continue on to what they are destined to do. Over the years, I’ve made my own plans and tried to prosper what I was doing within my own strength and I succeeded somewhat, but nothing ever goes as it should if we rely more on ourselves than on God. So I’ve learned to yield to Him, following the desires and dreams He puts inside me but relying on Him to let them go where they need to go and do what they need to do.

I’ve been meditating on hope a lot lately. Hope is essential in following your destined path. And many times hope is very difficult to find, especially when the world gets overwhelming around you. The events of the last couple of years have really been rough on so many of us. This world has changed drastically in a very short amount of time. And hope is the rudder that will guide us through if we don’t lose it. Hope, to me, is a stabilizing factor and a rampart of strength. It is something we need to seek, something we find when we trust in God. When everything is shaky, run for the fortress found in Heavenly peace and discernment. That is where we’ll find safety and strength.

Faith is wrapped up in hope. Faith is defined as, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. That was always a tough one for me because I was someone who had to see things in order to believe. I’ve really had to change my attitude and outlook about that! I believe that’s why we are given an imagination. And we are free to use it however we choose. When we think about our dreams, we are fueling our faith to step out and make them happen! I believe that everyone has a dream in their heart and I think that this world is the place where we need to discover it and walk it out. Sometimes it can take a while, and when it does it’s easy to lose faith and hope. I am reminded of the saying that anything worthwhile in life takes time. And that certainly does seem to be the case. We are tested on our ability to persevere.

If you find yourself going through a rough patch, cling to the promise that there is good planned for you and that you have a unique dream to achieve-one that nobody else can accomplish quite the same way you can. And if you’ve failed before, take heart. Failure is a learning curve for us all. How would we know what works if we hadn’t tried numerous things that didn’t? You’ll find your way. Have hope, have faith, and persevere! You’ll soon discover the silver linings of every failure you’ve been through which will lead you to your path of destined light!

My art piece titled Faith.

Faith is a rainbow of colors wrapped in trails of glittering light!

When Wishes Come True-New Art!

Who doesn’t love to have their wishes come true? Here is an artwork about the wonder and fun of fulfilled dreams and wishes!

When Wishes Come True by Diamante Lavendar.jpg

Life is a game, or so it seems,
We discover our passions and chase after our dreams;
Some days can be hard but we find our way through,
And hope for the moments when our wishes come true!

Wishes are the stuff of tomorrow and the hope of new promises and outcomes. Wishes keep us going. They motivate us to try harder. What would we do without wishes and hopes? Life would be dull and very melancholy. If you have big dreams, never give up trying to accomplish them. Shoot for the stars and you just may find yourself living heaven on earth!

When Wishes Come True is available here.

The Value Of Hardship

There's something about hardship quote by Diamante Lavendar.jpg

Nobody likes hardship or difficulty. But hardship has a purpose. It is a great teacher!

When I look back at my life, I see that the most agonizing times taught me the most. I didn’t enjoy them and sometimes they still bring me pain when I remember. But I can truly say that I learned the most about myself and life by hanging in there and getting through it. It’s really amazing how God can take pain and turn it into beauty. With God, all things truly are possible. And He has a way of knowing just what will turn us in the right direction. The wonderful thing is that we aren’t in it alone. He is always with us. And if we trust Him, He will make beauty from ashes, strength from fear, joy from mourning and peace from despair.

Whenever I am at the end of my rope, I let go and let God. And somehow things always work out. Most of the time for the better if I am patient and I persevere. Answers don’t always come quickly. But they do eventually come.

If you’re having a rough day or week or even year, know that you aren’t alone. Lean on your Father because He loves you so much! Trust, believe and wait for the glory to appear! The sun always comes back out after the rain. All you have to do is keep the faith!


You are my love;

My heart knew you

Before you were born.

Together in another realm we laughed,

Made plans and shared kisses

As we flew through the endless skies.

My soulmate, my child;

A love so pure,

An innocence undefiled.

Your laugh is a promise

Of truth, beauty, and a profound future.

To be apart from you

Is like death-but death does not exist;

It is merely a lie of this three-dimensional world.

Truth prevails and glory remains;

Waiting for me in a realm

That some refuse to believe in.

However, I believe.

I know.

For I feel angel kisses on my skin,

And I hear the whisper of your voice in the heavens;

Wanting to collect me like a flower,

And bring me home in your embrace;

To my place of refuge where you wait patiently for me.

What Does It Mean To Be Fearless?

The idea of fearlessness invokes all sorts of thoughts from people. Mighty warriors, rebels, living a ruthless life, not allowing people to dictate how you live. Yes, these things may be aspects of being fearless but I think there's more to it.  Here are some ways in which I believe it means to be fearless:  Live your life despite your fears.  Let's face it.  We're all afraid at some point in time.  No matter how old we are, what we've been through or who we are, we still feel fear at least once in a while.  The difference between a fearful and "fearless" person is the ability to continue to live and do what you want despite feeling afraid.  Being able to step out into the world and continue on regardless of fearful emotions (in my opinion) makes you fearless.

Realize there is a greater purpose and unity to everything.  Quantum physics has proven that:  everything we see is made of things we cannot see (atoms and molecules) and that a force (light) is holding them together.  All forms of matter are made from solidified light!  And pretty much everyone knows that God is light and the creator of life.  Albert Einstein discovered that time and space were relative, not absolute.  He was quoted as saying, " "For us physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion."  (Beliefnet:  How Quantum Physics Proves God's Existence).  So, it has been scientifically proven that there is a greater force holding everything together that creates the reality we are perceiving.  Pretty awesome, huh?

To know you can always start over and make changes.  Nothing is set in stone except our wrongful mindsets.  We all have the ability to start over.  Perfect case in point:  me.  At the age of two, I began to be molested by family members.  It went on until the age of twelve.  I clung to the belief that I was a "black sheep".  A "blight" on the planet of life.  Until I realized that I had to change my thought processes or my life would never change.  Once I began to be more positive, my life started getting a little better.  It's never too late to start over!

To know you are an eternal being.  This life is not all there is.  Though many would like to believe that as truth, it's not true.  Again, Quantum Physics steps up to explain.  Dr. Robert Lanza developed the theory of biocentrism.  Biocentrism states that life and biology are central to our consciousness (being, reality and the cosmos).  He developed the double-slit test where he has proven that light and matter display characteristics of both waves and particles, depending on the observer's perception and consciousness.  Why is this important?  Because he has found that "reality is a process that requires our consciousness."  (Beliefnet:  How Quantum Physics Proves God's Existence).  Dr. Eben Alexander supports this theory, being a survivor of a near death experience during which he was clinically brain dead from meningitis, making it scientifically impossible for the brain to generate any neurologic activity and brain function.  'My journey deep into coma, outside this lowly physical realm and into the loftiest dwelling place of the almighty Creator, revealed the indescribably immense chasm between our human knowledge and the awe-inspiring realm of God."  He goes on to state, "The brain itself does not produce consciousness.  That it is, instead, a kind of reducing valve or filter, shifting the larger, nonphysical consciousness that we possess in the nonphysical worlds down into a more limited capacity for the duration of our mortal lives." (Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife, 2012).

To embrace love and beauty in life despite the darkness that comes with it.  This world is a learning ground for us all.  And learning involves pain.  Tragedy and trauma are some of the best ways to instill new values and understanding in our mindsets, particularly if we happen to be stubborn people.  Knowing that we are here to learn and grow, we must also accept the pain the learning and growing brings.  Unfortunately, that's just the way the proverbial cookie crumbles when it comes to life on planet earth.

To understand that everything has an opposite and to be willing to accept that fact.  It takes guts to admit you're going to die.  It takes guts to admit that bad things happen.  It takes even more guts and willpower to be willing to delve through it.  What could be more fearless?  Light always eventually becomes darkness.  Love many times turns to hate or visa versa.  Lies, truth; life, death.  Polar opposites.  But always elements in life no matter who you are or where you come from.  It's just a fact of being human.

To understand that love is the ultimate energy that heals.  Researchers have shown that by shifting our emotions, we are changing the electromagnetic field radiated by our hearts.  When we are feeling love, our heart beats out a very loving message.  (Collective Evolution:  Science Proves That Human Consciousness And Our Material World Are Intertwined).  So...depending on how willing we are to give love and receive love, we will reap the benefits of that state of being not only within ourselves but also with those near and far from us.  We also have the ability to affect the physical world with our love energy!

To know that there is balance in life.   Good has a way of balancing out the bad in some way, shape or form.  This also holds true of our consciousness.  Even through the death of a close loved one, if we can gather the courage to see the tragedy from a viewpoint of love, we can find good in the bad.  For example, I've buried two children now.  And trust me, I didn't want to see the good in it at all.  But there was good in it.  My first child taught me to believe in God and the spirit realm.  She showed me its reality.  My second child has taught me to live in love and to be grateful for this life and my experiences because they're making me a better person.  Plus, she's shown me that even though we pass from this reality, we graduate to a new one.  We never truly die.  I realize there may be naysayers out there, but I believe completely in what I write about and the spirit realm (paranormal) is one of my biggest topics.  That being said, I believe in balance.  And I even believe in good outweighing the bad...if you allow it.  (All comes full circle to your state of consciousness).

I hope this post has helped you to create some new hopes and reasons for enlightened future possibilities.  May you be blessed and live in blessings!



Learning How To Heal

When I was afflicted by the pain and torment of my past, it seemed like I would never be able to heal. For years I wondered if healing was even possible. It seemed like a mountain that I couldn't climb...as if my pain was too great to even fathom the ability to overcome it.

Had I known that healing truly was possible, I would have had more hope.  My faith was low, my hope even lower.  I asked numerous people who knew of my circumstance if I could ever come out victorious from my situation.  The most hopeful response I received was  "maybe."

When you're in the depths of despair for years, surrounded by very few people who are supportive, "maybe" isn't a good answer.  The word "maybe" caused my despair to deepen.  But by the magic of God's healing, I eventually overcame my situation.

This is a video I created about what I learned regarding healing.  It's not as elusive as it seems. In fact, it is possible to heal from the type of trauma I endured.  If you're in a period of suffering, please take a moment to watch my video.  And know that you, too, can achieve happiness.


Life's Meaning

  I have felt pressure, I have known pain;

The darkening sun, The advancement of rain;

Meaning of Life


The drops of doubt, The sting of fear;

The awful regrets, The loss of ones dear;

And I have wondered, The reasons why;

The pangs of pain sting, And the woes of hearts cry;

But then I remembered, The awakening within;

The dawning of love, The forgiveness of sin;

And I came to accept, And to understand;

That all of our days, Are held in God's hands;

The good and the bad, The struggles, the strife;

Are all building blocks, A composite of life;

For it is the passions, The pains, the chagrin;

That have made me seek light, To find hope once again!

Recipe for Happiness

1 1/2 c. love1 c. prayer 3/4 c. enlightenment 3/4 c. acceptance 1/2 c. peace 1/2 c. wisdom 1/3 c. understanding 1/4 c. faith 1/8 c. discernment 4 T. gratitude 3 T. fortitude 2 T. goodwill to others dash of hope sprinkle with abundant laughter

Mix together. Add some dreams. Toss in positivity. Allow time to process!