Surviving Turbulent Times

The days in which we are living are uncertain. Sickness, social unrest and economic disruptions are hitting hard and close to home. Life can be grueling. During hardship and difficulty, it is easy to become overwhelmed. But losing hope and wanting to quit only make things worse. How is it possible to continue on with a good attitude? By trusting God.

I have had to learn to trust during extreme pain and turmoil. Several of my children have gone before me to inherit the kingdom of Heaven. I have also undergone much pain from abuse. But I have learned that I can’t look back. I can’t dwell on the valleys and shadows that have cropped up in my life. It hasn’t been easy and I still find myself feeling the pain, especially when more pressure and difficulties have erupted around me. Such as the times in which we are currently living.

I have found that hope springs eternal. It is in the deepest wells of our hearts that we will find spiritual empathy and compassion-a tiny glimmer of hope that grows within as we focus on things of eternal perspective. Things such as mercy, grace, love, and growing from our pain into better and more accomplished people. This is only possible with our Father-our eternal comfort and provider of love and light.

Conflict Summons Change available here.

Conflict Summons Change available here.

It has taken me a long time to come to this state of acceptance. But it is a welcomed change from the bitterness and anger that has ravaged my soul in the past. It is easy to become angry when we are attacked and when we lose things that we love and hold very near and dear to our hearts. It is difficult to foster a sense of acceptance in times of great angst. But that which is of value is that which takes time and resolve to bring forth.

Knowing we haven’t lost is critical when we look at the bigger picture and see that God provides our comfort and saves our loved ones so that we can unite once again beyond Heaven’s gates. It is more of a sense of being than a state of living. It is a perception and awakening of hope and possibilities of good to come. It is true that united we stand-not just together with others around us but also within our hearts and being. A house divided against itself cannot stand. And when we see and feel so much pain and bitterness, we become divided against ourselves, our inner essence and truth.

We were created to be love and light, not pain and darkness. We were created to know truth and to walk our destined paths. We cannot do this when we are consumed in bitterness and depression. I encourage you to journey within-to find that tiny place deep inside your heart that whispers, “It will be okay.” And grasp hold of that voice or feeling. Feed it love and respect. Water it with hope and prayer. You can find the strength to continue and the courage to hold on. You are a gift and you’ve been given a gift, a destined truth that only you can fulfill. Find it, believe in it and reach for it. Have faith that it will happen. As you do these things, you will be led to a more peaceful and promising future-your destined reason and purpose, your goal to achieve. Then you will be able to hang tough when the valleys come. Fight the good fight of faith with prosperity and intention. Choose to live with grace and purpose!

The Value Of Hardship

There's something about hardship quote by Diamante Lavendar.jpg

Nobody likes hardship or difficulty. But hardship has a purpose. It is a great teacher!

When I look back at my life, I see that the most agonizing times taught me the most. I didn’t enjoy them and sometimes they still bring me pain when I remember. But I can truly say that I learned the most about myself and life by hanging in there and getting through it. It’s really amazing how God can take pain and turn it into beauty. With God, all things truly are possible. And He has a way of knowing just what will turn us in the right direction. The wonderful thing is that we aren’t in it alone. He is always with us. And if we trust Him, He will make beauty from ashes, strength from fear, joy from mourning and peace from despair.

Whenever I am at the end of my rope, I let go and let God. And somehow things always work out. Most of the time for the better if I am patient and I persevere. Answers don’t always come quickly. But they do eventually come.

If you’re having a rough day or week or even year, know that you aren’t alone. Lean on your Father because He loves you so much! Trust, believe and wait for the glory to appear! The sun always comes back out after the rain. All you have to do is keep the faith!

Spiritual Peace

Peace is such an important facet of life. We can’t become who we are truly meant to be unless we are able to find peace and maintain the state of peacefulness. In the rough and tumble tumult of society these days, it is imperative that we stop to “smell the roses”. It is so easy to get caught up in all of the craziness of trying to succeed. The truth is, we already have what we need to succeed inside of us. All we have to do is go to a quiet state of mind and realize what our talents and strong points are. Spirit, in great wisdom, has given us these gifts to use in life. That is where we find our truest, most enjoyable forms of success-in the gifts we’ve already been given!

Spiritual peace is different from peace the world gives. Worldly peace is temporary and at times fleeting. Spiritual peace comes from our deepest self, or spirit. Even during hardship, we can look inward to our depth of relationship with our Creator. We all are connected with love and light. That central core of our being is the key and link to what our destiny consists of. Connect what that and you will be unstoppable!


I feel led to write about forgiveness today. I have been going through a lot in my personal life. My father is clinging to existence and is having a lot of trouble dealing with the fact that he will be leaving us at some point. The family history and current situation has prompted me to think about forgiveness once again.

My life has been rough like many of yours. We have had our share of angst, anger and hurt in our family history. All types of it. I have spent years trying to overcome the demons of the past. Once I began writing about my life, I started to heal. No sooner had I begun publishing books, but my youngest daughter passed away just before her nineteenth birthday. Which led me on more rabbit chases as I begged for wisdom and understanding from Spirit. It’s been a long couple of years. During that time my earthly father became suddenly ill and has been waxing and waning in health issues for a while now.

It’s really interesting when hardship strikes. It has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in you all at the same time. Everyone in the family has been affected and it has brought the topic of forgiveness into the limelight.

People used to tell me to forgive. Counselors, friends, some family members. I thought, “If you’re telling me that what happened to me was okay, you’re nuts. I’m not forgiving those who molested me and abused me.” But I’ve come a long way since then. I’ve learned that forgiveness is a gift which we give ourselves. Forgiveness is a gift from Spirit. It’s a gift that lets us know we are loved and cared for by Spirit and that we will heal.

When I talk about forgiveness, I don’t talk about forgetting. I talk about accepting and moving on. When you’ve been mortally wounded in your life, you can’t just forget it. But you can learn to give it to God and set yourself free.

Sending some Sonshine available here.

Sending some Sonshine available here.

There’s a big misconception about forgiveness. The misunderstanding which blindsides us and creates rigidity in our spirits is the concept of forgetting. If you were molested, raped, beaten, verbally abused or endured any type of debilitating trauma, I know you can’t forget it. So many people bristle at the topic and dig their feet in, promising themselves they will never forgive. But the truth of the matter is, when you forgive you are giving the pain to Spirit and asking for help. You will find that your heart will soften and you will begin to be able to receive understanding and empathy which will override your anger. After that, you will further notice that the pain of the past will begin to fade. If you take it a step beyond and decide to help others who have been through and are going through what you’ve experienced, you will turn the negativity into positivity. You will be able to teach those who have suffered like you how to transform themselves into better, more loving people because of the hardships they have endured. It really is a beautiful thing. A design of love and light.

There is nothing as precious as helping a fellow human being discover freedom. And quite honestly, if you’ve experienced trauma, it can lead to deeper freedom because of the wisdom and understanding you’ll receive as you let it go and give it to Spirit. I know it sounds strange, but it will deepen you to an internal point that will create more strength, dignity and respect within you. A sort of light that will lead others to truth.

I’m right with you in agreeing that this life is hard. But with a decision to forgive-and that is what forgiveness is-then we are learning to spread our spiritual wings and fly. Good can come from difficulty and pain. If you learn to believe it and embrace new possibilities, you will find yourself a much more fulfilled and peaceful person. It’s only a matter of time!

Breaking The Silence Won Another Award!

I am deeply honored to say that now my book Breaking The Silence is a winner of six awards! All for Inspirational Fiction! This most recent award is the Gold Medal for Inspirational Fiction from Reader's Favorite!

I am so grateful especially since this book is one of the pain regarding the things I've dealt with in life.  It hasn't been easy to say the least.  But it gives me great joy to know that I can help others recover from tragedy and trauma with this award winning book.  And a gift of meaning in life to know that even crushing pain can bring gain not only to myself but also to others-the reason why I wrote this book in the first place.

If you know anyone who's been in hardship and agony, please tell them about Breaking The Silence.  If they need help in finding hope and recovery, this book will definitely be what they need!

A Boost Of Inspiration!

If you like quotes, you'll love this video clip I created which I entitled A Boost Of Inspiration! I combined several of my inspirational quotes in this video to give you a boost of motivation and determination!  So...without further it is!

If you enjoyed it, pass it along to a friend!  A little inspiration is always a good thing!  And reminders are always very helpful in living a life of success.  So.....remember to be positive, purposeful and keep a good sense of humor!  Then everything else will fall into place!


Learning How To Heal

When I was afflicted by the pain and torment of my past, it seemed like I would never be able to heal. For years I wondered if healing was even possible. It seemed like a mountain that I couldn't if my pain was too great to even fathom the ability to overcome it.

Had I known that healing truly was possible, I would have had more hope.  My faith was low, my hope even lower.  I asked numerous people who knew of my circumstance if I could ever come out victorious from my situation.  The most hopeful response I received was  "maybe."

When you're in the depths of despair for years, surrounded by very few people who are supportive, "maybe" isn't a good answer.  The word "maybe" caused my despair to deepen.  But by the magic of God's healing, I eventually overcame my situation.

This is a video I created about what I learned regarding healing.  It's not as elusive as it seems. In fact, it is possible to heal from the type of trauma I endured.  If you're in a period of suffering, please take a moment to watch my video.  And know that you, too, can achieve happiness.