Love is a powerful force, capable of transforming our lives when we understand its true essence. Society often portrays love as physical, conditional, and transient. However, the true definition of love, as revealed in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8, is far more profound. It is patient, kind, and enduring. It doesn’t envy, boast, or behave inappropriately. It doesn’t seek its own way, is not easily provoked, and doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. Love rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love, in its true form, never fails.
Love is the stuff of Heaven. True love comes from God, and love is who God is. For us, love is a decision. It doesn't fail or change depending on our moods. We are instructed to "let all bitterness, wrath, anger, outcry, and slander be put away from us, with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, and forgiving, just as God also in Christ forgave us." (Ephesians 4: 31-32). We are told to "set our minds on the things above, not on the things on the earth." (Col. 3:2).
In order for us to live as God would have us live, we must help and support each other, build each other up, and offer encouragement. Living as God would have us live means following His commandments, showing love and compassion to others, and striving to be more like Christ. We are human, and none of us is perfect. We need each other to become better and to improve. "Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens his friend's countenance." Proverbs 27:17.
Love rejoices with the truth because when the truth is revealed, it can be accepted, worked through, and healed, allowing us to be set free. Love 'covers a multitude of sins' (1 Peter 4:8). When we live in God's love, we see the good in others, and we don't focus on their wrongs. We encourage each other to heal and improve so that we can live more fulfilling, peaceful, and meaningful lives. Everyone needs a safe place where understanding people can guide us to healthier, happier mindsets. It is all part of God's process to lean on each other and make the world better, holding each other accountable, but from a place of compassion and caring. 'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit' (Romans 8:1). As long as we are steadily moving forward, healing and growing, we are doing everything we can and living life the way we are designed to live-lives of love, mercy, compassion, and caring!
(All references are from the World English Bible, available in the public domain).