You are my love;
My heart knew you
Before you were born.
Together in another realm we laughed,
Made plans and shared kisses
As we flew through the endless skies.
My soulmate, my child;
A love so pure,
An innocence undefiled.
Your laugh is a promise
Of truth, beauty, and a profound future.
To be apart from you
Is like death-but death does not exist;
It is merely a lie of this three-dimensional world.
Truth prevails and glory remains;
Waiting for me in a realm
That some refuse to believe in.
However, I believe.
I know.
For I feel angel kisses on my skin,
And I hear the whisper of your voice in the heavens;
Wanting to collect me like a flower,
And bring me home in your embrace;
To my place of refuge where you wait patiently for me.