This year has certainly been something out of the ordinary-something nobody could have predicted. I think it can suffice to say that this year has been ‘otherwordly’. Before the pandemic hit, I created a piece of art that fit very well with the onslaught of 2020.

Growing Through Adversity, available here.

Growing Through Adversity, available here.

The description of this work was written as follows: Hardship in life is inevitable. We will all experience it from one degree to another. Hardship redefines us and makes us grow. Much of it we have no control over. But it can make us stronger and wealthy with wisdom if we choose to have the right perspective about it.

Now that I look back at this work, I find it almost haunting that I uploaded it on my art site on April 24, 2020, with the pandemic hitting only weeks afterward. It is true that hardship really causes us to grow. I find it almost amazing how much. It seems that the deeper the pain and the valley that is forged within, the deeper the insight and understanding we gain. A difficult part of being human.

Then on May 3, before the pandemic became critical, I uploaded a piece as a response to the beginning of the craziness that was befalling us. The work was titled A New World Order. And how strange it has been to see the civil unrest and disunity that this pandemic has caused or brought out among people. I truly believe that unity is the answer to fighting this pandemic and to rising up as accomplished, caring citizens of this country.

A New World Order available here.

A New World Order available here.

The description of this work is written as:

Current events have changed our world;
Hardship and heartache have brought much concern.
A world divided against itself will surely fall,
Unity is the answer to destiny's call.

How true that became after the pandemic had caused economic issues and social unrest. I pray for a better future- a world of unity, cooperation, and understanding rather than division and anger as we have seen run much too prevalent in current times. Everything that has happened has reminded me of Martin Luther King Jr’s statement: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." His words still ring true to this day! I pray we can rise up and adopt that stance in our current societal condition!

Glory Be To God

Image by Karina Cubillo

Image by Karina Cubillo

I believed we’d live out this life together.

I look at your picture-bright blue eyes brimming with adventure,

Your passion for life glowing purposefully from within.

A beautiful soul of love and trust, hope was your anchor.

You knew tomorrow would always be a brighter day;

A nature child who loved to walk in the woods and swim in the rain.

You felt a kindred spirit in every living thing,

Whether it was human, animal or something from the natural world.

You beheld every sunrise as a unique painting created by angels;

You, my muse, my purpose, my true love.

I trusted that we’d be together, that youth overcame

Hardship, disappointment and sickness.

I knew in my heart that a loving God would never take another of my children.

But I was wrong. He took you.

At first the devastation forged rivers of anger, disbelief and mistrust to my core.

Why were two of my children buried side by side in a graveyard,

When children are the lights of parents’ hearts, the promise

That elderly parents wouldn’t spend their final years alone?

My anger became despair; a sadness so deep

That I had to distract myself minute by minute so that I wouldn’t give up.

I had to fight to be there for my only child left to live out this pain with me;

Now the only child with no siblings to confide in, laugh with or grow old with.

My only child trying to raise a child of her own, putting on a mask of bravery every day,

When her soul is ripped to pieces right along with mine.

I knelt before God, asking why? Why again?

I heard an answer in my heart. “I understand. I too lost my son. My only child.”

I was reminded of a passage of scripture:

There is a time for everything under the sun. A time for mourning, a time for dancing,

A time to sow and a time to reap.

And then, like a golden thread weaving through my consciousness,

Hope stirred within me as I perceived the understanding that

The Lover of my soul is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.

When darkness comes to call, I know the battle has already been won.

All things will work out for good. I need only trust, hope and believe.

An easy earthly life is not promised, but an abundantly blessed eternal life is.

Glory be to God!


You are my love;

My heart knew you

Before you were born.

Together in another realm we laughed,

Made plans and shared kisses

As we flew through the endless skies.

My soulmate, my child;

A love so pure,

An innocence undefiled.

Your laugh is a promise

Of truth, beauty, and a profound future.

To be apart from you

Is like death-but death does not exist;

It is merely a lie of this three-dimensional world.

Truth prevails and glory remains;

Waiting for me in a realm

That some refuse to believe in.

However, I believe.

I know.

For I feel angel kisses on my skin,

And I hear the whisper of your voice in the heavens;

Wanting to collect me like a flower,

And bring me home in your embrace;

To my place of refuge where you wait patiently for me.

Ominous Clouds

Ominous clouds on a haunted street, Passers by shuffling quickened feet; Ghosts lurk behind windows, and half open doors; Watching, waiting, squeaking furniture and floors; Their time has stopped, clocks are meaningless pieces; Of a life they once knew, before meeting the reaper; Confused and rattled, they are bound to cold earth; No longer feeling happiness, meaning or worth.

-Diamante Lavendar

Available on Fine Art America at:


You Are My Bridge


You are my bridge. My bridge to love and light.

You are my hope. The hope of my destiny.

You are my dream. The dream of success which you carried for me.

You are my safety. The safety of love and acceptance you gave me.


Remember me. As your mother, the one who cherished you.

Remember me. As your friend who valued your opinion.

Remember me. The broken one who needed your tenderness.

Remember me. The vessel you poured your light into.


I miss you. The days of laughter and content.

I adore you. Your sparks of humor and helpfulness.

I remember you. My little angel with a bright future.

I hold tight to you. Your memory of rainbows and sunbeams.


I admire you. You lived with a rare condition.

You have great strength. Despite the bullies and false friends.

Though you were different. You were a shining example.

You are an original. Truly one among millions.


Your favorite color. Pink like the passionate sunrise.

Your shining eyes. Deep blue like God's heavens.

Your wavy hair. Red, brown, blonde and gold; a mane of beauty.

Your pouting lower lip. The most beautiful smile of caring.


Your creative tendencies. To make art and take pictures.

Your quirky side. To tie tight knots and laugh heartily.

Your passion. To love life despite letdowns.

Your imagination. To know angels and possibilities.


You are beautiful. Though you didn't believe it.

You are precious. Though you couldn't see it.

You are worthy. Though you didn't realize it.

You are amazing. Though you felt ordinary.


Let me see you. When my heart aches to be with you.

Hold me close. In the times that I'm hurting.

Give me love. Throw your soft arms around me.

Kiss my cheek. So I know you are near me.


You are perfect. Fun sized and abundant.

You are tender. Hugging me with your mercy.

You are gentle. Forgiving and helpful.

You are gorgeous. My baby, my angel incarnate.


God Bless you Celby. I'll write for you for the rest of my life. I can't wait to run into your arms the moment I take my last breath here on earth. Wait for me. Meet me and bring me home.



death-poem-picture-by-diamante-lavendar You think life is forever, At least that's how it seems; Death is just a shadow In your deepest, darkest dreams.

We don't want to admit it, Or dwell upon the pain, But death is waiting for us In its own destined time frame.

Death will come and take you No matter what you say; Your time to leave's appointed In your designated way.

So don't try to deny it Or refuse to believe it's true; Live your life with purpose Until death comes for you.

-Diamante Lavendar

Flowers For My Baby

flowers-for-kelby-with-diamante-lavendar-written-on-it I miss you. Tell me you're okay.

Since I found you encompassed

Two weeks prior

In the gruesome sorrow of death's embrace.


I never thought

That once again

I'd bury my hopes

With another child;


Life with you

Was fun and vibrant,

Full of feeling,

Loving, wild;


I know you'd want me

To be tough-

To continue on

Life's lumbering pace;


To focus on living,

To cherish your memory,

To center myself on love,

Not hate.


Though I don't understand

What happened that night

When the reaper came

To the call of fate,


I know you'd want me

To persevere,

To feel your love

From Heaven's gates.


I am broken,

I am wrenched,

My aching soul

Screams your name;


But somehow I know

When I'm old

I'll be in your happy

Presence again.


Life's not fair,

Life's a test

Of wading through fear,

Sorrow and blame;


Show me your mercy,

Send me your trust,

That we'll be reunited

In Heaven again.


 -Love Mommy<3

Follow Your Heart

Life can be rough. It can make you want to say, "Enough is enough! I quit!"

You throw up your hands In dismay, Not wanting to go through one more day,

Or minute or hour. But life demands that you keep moving, Whether you feel motivated or not.


The trials are turbulent. The road is rocky. Yet you know you must continue,

Despite your mind screaming At you That it's time to quit.

This is the key: Your mind is not your master. Your heart discerns your personal truth.

Deep down you know The right thing to do Is to persevere;

So continue your fight Until the sun of destiny Shines on the horizon;

The explanation of all things difficult Becoming a path of purpose To Heaven's door.

-Diamante Lavendar

Crying For A Savior

The pain you causedHas left permanent scars Like armies of demons In my brain.

I am stilled by agony In unguarded moments Like razor blade cuts Across my heart.

It's been years But somehow Your deathly grip Still holds me fast;

I crawl Like a wounded animal Through the dust and debris Of the past

Crying for a Savior.

How is it That after thirty seven years You still reach me From the coldness of your grave?

Groping and grasping, Ripping my flesh off in layers, Stabbing your evil Through my heart and soul?

Will I ever be free To live as I dream of living Or will I forever be Your prisoner of anguish and shame?

I deserve to be happy I dream of it every day But somehow your memory Always succeeds

At burying me with you in a Hell you so adeptly created for both of us.


Life's Meaning

  I have felt pressure, I have known pain;

The darkening sun, The advancement of rain;

Meaning of Life


The drops of doubt, The sting of fear;

The awful regrets, The loss of ones dear;

And I have wondered, The reasons why;

The pangs of pain sting, And the woes of hearts cry;

But then I remembered, The awakening within;

The dawning of love, The forgiveness of sin;

And I came to accept, And to understand;

That all of our days, Are held in God's hands;

The good and the bad, The struggles, the strife;

Are all building blocks, A composite of life;

For it is the passions, The pains, the chagrin;

That have made me seek light, To find hope once again!

Take Time To Know Me

I am here, child;Take time to know Me;

All of creation Exists to behold Me;

My essence is found In the beauty of spring;

I sprinkled the dust On the butterflies’ wings;

I painted the skies With brushstrokes of blue;

I did this for Me And I did this for you;

I made the grass green Under your feet;

I blessed you with children, Their kisses so sweet;

I sprinkled stars In the darkness of night;

So you would not fear, You would still see My light;

I admire your beauty As you mature and grow;

There’s so much I wish for you, Want you to know;

Be still; hear My whisper In the soft, blowing breeze;

“I love you, my precious child; Take time to know Me.”

-Diamante Lavendar