Life Is Short. Live It Well!


Each of us thinks that we have all the time in the world to do what we want to with our lives. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. The clock of time is constantly ticking, urging us forward second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. The days have a way of turning into months and the months have a way of turning into years. Soon we are left wondering about where all our time went...if we're lucky enough to have that much time.

Each of us has a purpose to find and fulfill. Sometimes (many times), that purpose can take years to figure out. So make the most of the time you have. Try not to engage in worry or hatred, fear or torment to the best of your ability. These things only steal more of your time. And if you are forced to deal with these things as most of us are, take wisdom away from the experience so that they can enrich the process of finding your purpose. You only have one life to live. Live it well!

Learning How To Heal

When I was afflicted by the pain and torment of my past, it seemed like I would never be able to heal. For years I wondered if healing was even possible. It seemed like a mountain that I couldn't if my pain was too great to even fathom the ability to overcome it.

Had I known that healing truly was possible, I would have had more hope.  My faith was low, my hope even lower.  I asked numerous people who knew of my circumstance if I could ever come out victorious from my situation.  The most hopeful response I received was  "maybe."

When you're in the depths of despair for years, surrounded by very few people who are supportive, "maybe" isn't a good answer.  The word "maybe" caused my despair to deepen.  But by the magic of God's healing, I eventually overcame my situation.

This is a video I created about what I learned regarding healing.  It's not as elusive as it seems. In fact, it is possible to heal from the type of trauma I endured.  If you're in a period of suffering, please take a moment to watch my video.  And know that you, too, can achieve happiness.

My colored pencil piece entitled Tree Of Healing

I created this piece years ago when I was in the process of healing from my trauma. While I was creating it, I felt like the tree above the soil; empty, alone and devoid of life. I had faith that things would get better, but I didn't know how long it would take. I reminded myself to be patient. Eventually, I began to feel like the roots of the tree. I was filled with God's love and found my purpose for living. Thus, this simple piece was born.

Tree Of Healing

I have this drawing for sale on Fine Art America and Red Bubble.  Here is the description I created for this piece as seen on both sites:

To the parched soul, God's light brings healing and oneness.  The only way to wholeness and completion is being joined with God in His heavenly light and breath.  God shines His light upon us and it is up to our own individual discretion as to whether we receive Him or not.  Reception of Him grows in us strong roots of love.

If you are unfamiliar with my story, I have it written in my book Breaking The Silence.  It is a fictional account (because names and places have been changed) of my life.  It is true and it is what I experienced.  My art reflects the stages I've been through in my journey of healing.  I hope you enjoy this simple yet heartfelt piece.

Best wishes and blessings,


My newest creation! Counteract Every Negative Thought!

Counteract every negative thought by Diamante Lavendar

Here is my most recent inspirational quote, brought on by some hard days that I've gone through. I made this quote to remind myself and to inspire others! The last few days (the last week, actually) has been tough. In order to counteract a bad attitude, I started stating a blessing or something I was grateful for in response to every negative thought that went through my head. It helped a lot!

If you know someone who is going through a tough time right now, feel free to share this quote with them. It will help to spark some positive energy in their heart and give them hope that tomorrow will be a better day!

Just remember...this too shall pass!

Where you can find Counteract Every Negative Thought:

Fine Art America:

Red Bubble:

<a href="" style="font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;">shower curtains for sale</a>

~My newest creation: Find Something To Laugh About!~

Find Something To Laugh About by Diamante Lavendar

Life happens. It happens to all of us whether we're ready or not....kind of like playing hide and seek! We can try to hide, but life will seek us and hunt us down, taking us along for the ride!

My newest creation speaks of maintaining a sense of humor through it all. It's easy to have humor on good days. But it's also very important to have humor on bad days as well. Humor actually helps us through hardship and is essential in our well being.

This is a concept I've learned the hard way. Some of you know my story. Others of you aren't familiar with it. I wrote a book about it entitled Breaking The Silence. Through my life, I've learned that humor is a necessary element in healing and staying happy.

Please feel free to come back and visit again to read my quote. Or save it to your computer. I'd love to have it inspire you at times when you really need it.

Blessings, Diamante

~Letter Of Intent #2 by Diamante Lavendar~

Letter Of Intent #1

Letters Of Intent are ways to focus on increasing your power and perspective in life.  Here's Letter #2:

The time is NOW to rise and shine.  The time is always NOW.

People persist in believing in yesterday and tomorrow, but those are only illusions.  NOW is all we have.  NOW is all there is.  That is why many people experience a delay in achieving their dreams.  They look for answers in yesterday and tomorrow.  And while some answers may be found in those places, they must be applied to NOW.  Because NOW is the timetable of life.

Take the lessons from yesterday, take the dreams from tomorrow and plant them in NOW.  It is the only way to truly thrive in your life journey.  The moment you're in means everything.



Letter Of Intent #1 by Diamante Lavendar

I am starting another new aspect of my blog! It is called Letters Of Intent. This is the first letter. Others will follow at random. But I suspect there will be quite a few over time!

Letter Of Intent #1

Letter Of Intent #1:

Life is a poem: a living of pen to paper. The backdrops of our lives are the papers and we are the pens; creating, moving through space to find a meaning to our existence.

Intent is life's purpose. It is up to us whether we allow our intent to be pure or corrupted. In each of us is a possibility of both. What matters is the voice we heed.

Find your intent and you will find your purpose. Accomplish your goals and you will achieve your dreams!

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This was a write up in my February newsletter I recently published.  My editor loved it (she is also my friend.)  She encouraged me to put it on my blog, which I have now done.  I hope it helps you to find more peace and meaning in your life.


Love. We've heard so much about it during our lives. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." "Treat others as you would like to be treated." "True love keeps no record of wrongs." These things are all very true but sometimes hard to achieve.

Everyone is tested. We endure fiery trials of one form or another. The trick is to always bring it back to a loving attitude at the end of the day. How is that possible in some instances? Sometimes, only by the power of God Himself is it possible.

I have suffered, as some of you know, through differing forms of abuse. I have felt like I had nothing left to give, like everything had been taken from me. And yet, I was expected to love. If you've read my book Breaking The Silence, you know my story. It has been excruciating...and still is sometimes to this very day. The best advice I can give is do your best in the time given. Ten years ago, my best wasn't as good as it was five years ago. And five years ago, it wasn't as good as it is now. I still have a long way to go, but as long as I'm on my way, I know it will continue to get better day by day.

Don't beat yourself up if you have trouble being loving. Especially at times when you are hurting. Nobody is perfect and nobody can be 100% loving 100% of the time. It's not a human capability. Luckily, God is there to hold your heart in His hands as He molds and makes you into who you really are made to be as you progress through your existence on this planet. Humans are frail and fallible. But we are also very capable of learning. So keep that in the forefront of your mind. Do the best in the day you are given.

And be forgiving. Forgive yourself and others for not consistently living up to difficult standards. Sometimes the best way to show love is to forgive. And to know perfection is not attainable. Once you let go of "should, must, have to" it gets a little easier to be a loving person.

February is a time of hearts and candy and flowers. Those are all wonderful, but it is my experience that the expectations we put on ourselves and others are the most primary causes of either happiness or disappointment. So remember, we're all here to learn and grow. Enjoy it as much as you can without beating yourself up over it at the same time!

Happy February! May every day this month be your Valentine's Day!

The Joy Of Christmas

Resized Happy Holidays from Diamante Lavendar

**Originally posted on Fred Warren's blog at**

Christmas has always been a special time for me. As a kid and as a “grownup”. When I was younger, I would wait for the festivities of Christmas with “baited breath”. I loved the decorations and the tree, the stockings and the carols. But the greatest thing about Christmas to me was the “feeling.”

When I was very young, I would attempt to describe “the Christmas feeling” to my parents. They never really understood just exactly what I meant. They would look at me rather vacantly and say things like, “That’s nice. I’m happy you’re happy.”

But it was always so much more than that…happiness. It was an internal glow, a peace, a feeling of goodwill among men. Of course as a child I was unable to explain these complicated emotions. But I felt them. Fully. And they made me feel more alive than I ever could have explained…until I became a “grownup”.

Christmas is more than a season. Or a holiday. To me, it’s a frame of mind…a way of living. It is truly embodying the concept of, “Peace on earth…goodwill toward men.” It is beautiful. It is invigorating. It is a newness of life and attitude.

Christmas happens any time a random act of kindness occurs. It happens every time someone pays it forward. Christmas, no matter the time of year, comes alive whenever we think of others as much or more than we think of ourselves. It comes when we extend our boundaries to include the happiness of family and strangers. In my life, the most beautiful moments that I remember are moments when I was able to make a difference…to help someone in some way. To me, that is true Christmas.

I hope that by example I am able to extend Christmas every day of the year in some sort of way. I love the notion of “being Christmas” to my family, friends, and even those I don’t know. It is a tall order, but a wonderful goal to reach toward.

Perhaps as you read this, you will find yourself considering the feeling of Christmas…perhaps even living the feeling on a day-to-day basis. I can only imagine the ripple effect of beauty that “living the feeling” could bring to all of us who find ourselves sharing this earth together. What a grand scheme of things that would indeed create!

May you feel the peace, love and joy all year long, not just this holiday season!

Cooperation Versus Competition...Which Is Better?

Ever since I was young, I disliked the idea of competition. It seemed unnatural to me: the concept of all for one and one for all. If competition was the way of life, why then did nature live in harmony and cooperation? Trees depending on air and grass depending on soil. Animals depending on plant and tree life for shelter and man depending on earth for everything he/she needs. The only thing I could see in the form of competition was man and animals killing to eat. Otherwise, life relies on itself to survive.

Therefore, I began to think about the strength of cooperation. I came up with many reasons why cooperation is critical in survival. One reason is the fact that there is strength in numbers. No matter what you're discussing, if there are numbers of people involved, there will be much greater strength in the process and outcome. If one man stands alone and another is surrounded by a group of dedicated followers, which man will thrive more easily? Of course the man with the group! Even nature thrives in groups with lone stragglers falling easily to disaster.

Another reason why cooperation is critical is that the whole is never greater than the sum of its parts. The more hands involved in a situation, the more the outcome is determined to succeed. That is why animals hunt in packs and why people live in cities and towns. There is strength in numbers as well as more safety for the most part.

The third reason I'll share tonight about the strength of cooperation is the fact of diversity being involved in cooperative efforts. People bring their own talents and knowledge into a cooperative situation. Everyone has their own perspective and opinion, causing greater ingenuity to be brought to the cooperative circumstance.

When the unfortunate situation arises where people aren't willing to cooperate, I have found the root cause to be fear. And fear does definitely prove to be a snare. So it is my humble opinion that cooperation brings much goodness and wealth of information to the table. It brings future possibility of greatness to a situation.

I look forward to cooperating with many people in my efforts....not only in my writing, but also in my personal life. Cooperation mirrors the natural world and just seems to be the most probable way of future success and happiness..for everyone involved!  In marriages, families, as well as businesses, cooperation is key!  Cooperation brings Heaven a little closer to home!

The Good, The Bad And...The Hysterical?

Henrietta was having a trying day, to say the least. Her day started when her alarm clock went off....30 minutes late!

"Oh, dear Lord!" She jumped out of bed, her heart racing as she rifled through her closet, grabbing the first thing she could find. Throwing it on, she jumped into a pair of black pumps. (They do go with anything, right?)

Racing out to the kitchen, she fumbled with the coffee maker and spilled water all over the floor.

I don't have time for this! Forget the coffee! I'll get some at the office!

She grabbed her purse and her briefcase and ran out to the garage.  Jumping in her car, she peeled out of the driveway after barely escaping ripping the garage door off the hinges.  Without thinking, she shut the garage door and flew down the street fifteen miles over the speed limit.

If I'm late again, my boss is going to have my head!

She drove onto the on ramp and floored it on the highway.  Soon she heard a siren and saw flashing red and blue lights in her rear view mirror.

Oh my God, you have got to be kidding me!  Now I'm going to be at least a half hour late!

She pulled to the side of the highway and watched the patrol officer walk to her car.

"Driver's license and registration,"  he said flatly.  "Do you know how fast you were going?"  He looked inside the car and then stared at her sarcastically.

"Uh..I..ah...not really, sir,"  she stammered.

Oh my God.  My boss is going to kill me.

"Well, you were going twenty miles over the speed limit, ma'am.  Any excuse as to why this happened?"  The officer stated in a monotone.

"I'm late for work..."  Henrietta began.

"Well, ma'am, I hardly think that being late for work is an exceptional reason for putting your life and the lives of others at risk,"  the office stated, his face expressionless.

"Yes, sir.  Sorry...sir,"  Henrietta babbled, tears pricking at her eyes.  She handed him her license and registration.

"I will be a moment,"  the officer told her as he walked back to his car.

All because my alarm went off late.  Oh, God.  I hope I don't lose my license.  Then I'll get it for driving with a revoked license!  

She nervously glanced back at the squad car.  Finally, the officer got out and walked back over to her.

"Being late to work is no reason to put lives in danger.  At any rate, I've decided to only cite you for speeding ten miles per hour over the speed limit.  Here is your ticket.  If you wish to fight it, go to the scheduled hearing on the top of the ticket.  Otherwise, send in your fine before the court date or you may have a warrant out for your arrest."  He stared at her.  "Any questions?"

"No, sir, thanks..."

"Very well.  Have a good day, ma'am,"  he said flatly.

He walked back to his car and she took off...going the speed limit.  She glanced at the ticket.

Two hundred fifty dollars?  Is he out of his freakin' mind?

Tears stung at her eyes again.

I should just call in sick.  If this is any indication of how this day is going to go, I don't want to go to work anyway.

Realizing she had to pay a two hundred and fifty dollar ticket, she decided to bite the bullet and show up to work late.

What's the worst that could happen?

She drove to work...going the speed limit...and when she got there, her boss called her into his office.

"Henrietta, this is the third time this month that you've shown up late.  Any excuse this time?"

"Yes, sir.  I got pulled over by a cop.  And I got a ticket."

"For what?"  he said sarcastically.

"For speeding, sir,"  she droned, feeling like a two year old that had just spilled grape juice on a white carpet.

"Hmmm.  For speeding,"  her boss nodded.  "Alright.  Well, I'm writing you up for being late again."

"But sir..."

"Henrietta, you are over an hour late.  Apparently you were late before you even got pulled over.  How far away do you live?  Twenty minutes?"  He stated dryly.


"Okay then.  Don't let it happen again.  If you get written up one more time you'll be fired."  He opened his desk.

She stared at him.

"Is there something else, Henrietta?"  he looked over at her.

"No, sir.  Nothing."  She turned and walked out of his office.

She made her way to her office...a small room at the end of the hall.  She stepped inside, shut the door and went to her chair and collapsed into it.  She stretched back and took a deep breath of air.

 Okay.  Now things are going to calm down.  This will end up being a good day.

"Miss Wilkins?"  the secretary spoke on the intercom.  "Call.  Line four."

"Put it through."

She picked up the phone.  "What the Hell is going on with your stupid company?  I spoke to a guy down in customer service and got transferred three times and then I got disconnected and I had to call back.  I don't even know who the Hell you are but I need to get this situation taken care of...."

Henrietta set the phone down on her desk and started to laugh hysterically.  Tears flowed down her cheeks because she began to laugh so hard.

When it rains it pours!  Thank you Jesus for giving me a sense of humor!  At least I still have it!  Don't ever let me lose it, either!

After a few moments, she picked the phone back up.  The other end was quiet.  A few seconds later, she heard the same irritated voice.  "Hello?  Are you there?'

Sighing deeply, she answered.  "Yes."  A fit of hysterics threatened to hit again as the person on the other end of the line started screaming.

"Yup.  That's the stuff of life,"  she thought to herself.  The good, the bad and ...the hysterical!

She set the phone down again as another laughing fit took her by storm.

If Only Things Had Been Different

He sat in the back of the room.  There were people shuffling about around him but he sat in his seat quietly ignoring them.

If only things had been different.

He remembered being in a boat with his dad.  He sat quietly, his fishing rod in the water.

 I wish a fish would bite.  

The water lapped peacefully around the boat.  His father sat at the other end, a cap covering his head.

"You have to be quiet.  Otherwise you'll scare the fish away,"  his father had told him before they left.

So he stayed very quiet.  And his father didn't talk.  Not when they were fishing or any other time either.

He stared at the other boats dotted around the lake.

 I wonder if they sit in silence too.

Of the handful of times that he'd been fishing with his dad, he had only caught a small number of fish.

Does it really matter if you talk?  It doesn't seem to matter when I'm fishing.

His dad reeled in his line and re cast it out on the water.

Thirty minutes later, his dad looked at him and said,  "We're not having very good luck.  Do you want to stay here longer or should we go?"

"Let's stay a little longer,"  he said.

 Let's talk a while.

Another fisherman drove past in his boat.

"Having any luck?"  he yelled.

"No,"  his dad shook his head.

"Try the southern part of the lake.  I just caught a few over there,"  the fisherman said.

"Thanks.  I might,"  dad yelled back as the fisherman continued on his way.

"Do you want to go to the southern part of the lake?"  his dad asked him.

He shrugged.  "If you want to."

"Let's just come back another time.  I'm getting sun burnt."

He looked around the room.  People were talking in hushed tones.  Some were crying.  He stood up and walked to his father's coffin.

I wish things were different.  I wish we would've talked a while. 

A tear slipped down his cheek as he walked over to join his family.

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It Ran Out In Front Of Me

I was driving home late one night.  There was a light mist across the road and I was lost in thought.  Suddenly, to my left, I saw a streak emerge in the mist and stop about fifty feet in front of my vehicle.  I slammed on my brakes, skidding to a half.  The animal, a deer, stood in the mist in front of me and stared into my headlights.  Then, spooked, it took off like a shot into the darkness on the right.

As the shock of what had happened enveloped me, I realized what had gone through my mind as the deer stopped in front of me.

I'm going to hit that thing.  It's going to smash up my car.  I hope I don't get hurt.

Then I remembered a story I had heard about a man who was riding with his fiancee in his car when he hit a deer and it went up over the hood of the car and through the windshield.  It decapitated the man on its way through the back window of the car.

Life is fleeting.  You never know when you'll take your last breath.

I'm sure that man had no idea he was about to die.  I'm sure his fiancee didn't know either.  It was just another drive toward home until the fatal crash turned both of their worlds upside down and inside out...and ended one life completely.

What do you think of when you have a "near miss"?  When something unexpected happens and has the potential to change your life permanently?  I know what I think of.  My loved ones.  And whether or not I'm achieving my destined life path.

Through heartache and pain, I've learned that those are the only things that really matter. When the subject of life comes down to the "nitty gritty", what else possibly can be more important than loved ones and accomplishing your destiny?

That's what I think of when I'm saved from an accident.  Or trauma.  Or the loss of someone dear.  The world goes on with its issues and demands, but most of all of that is pointless.  It is your dear ones and your destiny that will come to haunt you if you fail to really live.  So make a choice to really live, because that's all that really matters.

Feeling Alone

I am convinced that feeling alone is one of the hardest things to deal with as a human being. We were created for love and fellowship. When we don't have those things in a genuine way, it tears at our inner beings. Isolation is a desperate feeling; hopelessness is even worse.

We constantly crave a companion; someone we can bear our heart and soul to who loves us unconditionally. We crave a hug that reaches our pain and takes it away. If we are left alone for too long we even begin to go crazy and imagine things.

I used to wonder why. What is so important about someone who is there and who believes what we say? Why is friendship and compassion so necessary to the human condition?

It's actually quite simple. Because we were made to need it as a necessity in life. We were created to bond in love and have a purpose for living. We were created to be one with God and His creation.

That is why nature is so soothing. It was created for us. That is why love is so healing. It too was created for us. It is an inherent need woven into the fabric of our hearts; a compelling drive and desire to be accepted.

It is really quite simple. Simply profound. With understanding and discernment, we can achieve our truest and highest calling, which always involves love. Never has hate achieved those purposes. Hate tears apart and brings pain and corruption. Love builds up and brings healing and wholeness...purity too.

Love makes the world a better place. It cares and it shares. It holds goodness and mercy. I wish that for everyone reading this blog. May you find the peace, joy, healing and mercy that only love can bring. Because it is essential to a life well lived.


The Little Big Things

When she cleaned her house, she always decorated the table with flowers. Then she would go and put a single flower in a vase in the bathroom for added effect. Her house was her sanctuary and she was determined to make it a happy one.

Whenever the days were long, she would come home and sit and gaze at her flowers. They filled her with life and hope and determination. Sometimes she wondered how something so small could bring changes so large to a home or a heart. But then, she knew, the small things in life often did.

The Little Big Things Blog Picture

Like the time that her daughter burst in the house after school, excitedly running up to her. Her eyes glittering like diamonds, she held out a drawing that she had made in art class. "I did it for you, mommy! Just for you!" Her daughter smiled, wiggling expectantly back and forth, barely able to contain herself.

When she looked at the picture, what she beheld was more beautiful than anything Picasso himself could have conjured up. "I love it, sweetie! It's beautiful!"

The hugs and kisses that ensued were more "little" life pleasantries that swelled her heart to a gigantic size. Nothing could compare to the hugs and kisses of her child, the happiness engulfing them like a soft, fuzzy blanket.

She would then find a frame and hang the picture in a prevalent part of the house; a constant reminder of her child's love and creativity. Her house was filled with many of those very creations.

She also remembered when she was having a particularly bad day. She was at the store and was buying groceries. When it came time to pay for them, she rifled through her wallet looking nervously for the correct amount that was due. No matter how hard she tried, she kept coming up with the bleak realization that she didn't have enough.

A feeling of desperation filled her and eyes eyes began to tear up. "Why does this have to happen on the worst days?" she asked herself, tears stinging at the back of her eyes.

"I've got it," the man behind her said, a big smile consuming his face. "It's only ten dollars."

Feeling as though she had just won the lottery, she looked over at the man, feeling her tears begin to flow.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it," he smiled even more. "Really."

"Thank you so much! Thank you!" she exclaimed several times. She smiled back, trying to display her gratefulness. She wanted to run over and hug him but was too shy to do so. Instead he smiled even more.

"It's my pleasure! I can see you're having a bad day. I just want to brighten it for you! I'm glad I was able to!"

She sat back, gazing at the colorful flowers.  They filled her with hope.  And wasn't that what everyone needs?  A little hope?  She realized that the little things were the hope builders, the heart repairers.

And those were the things that meant the most. Those were the things that were remembered. Those were the little things that were really the big things. The little big things were the most important pieces in life's journey!

Preconceived Notions

I think one of the biggest problems that we have in our society concerning happiness is the factor of preconceived notions. We think we need to conform to society's "norm" in order to find success, peace and happiness. We need that house in the suburbs, a nice car, at least two children, a good job and friends and family who support us. And yes, if we have all of these things it is wonderful but not a guarantee of happiness.

True happiness comes from inside of us. A car, a house and a job will not make us happy unless we are content in our hearts. How do you become content in your heart, you ask? Here is what I have found out about the subject in my own life.

Preconceived Notions (Diamante Lavendar)

First, you must accept yourself for who you are. You can't compete with the neighbors or your friends or relatives. Or the checker at the grocery store. Or the teller at the bank. We are each unique and we each have our own quirks and talents. It is impossible to compare yourself to another person because no two people are exactly the same. Television and magazines tell us we need to be the same but we don't. Be grateful for your differences. If we were all the same, what a boring world this would be!

Second, don't let greed or envy eat you alive. If you want something bad enough, strive to make it happen. Don't hate your neighbor or relative or friend for what they have. Many times we think we need something in particular when in fact we may not. Let go and let God. Trust that what you need will come to you as you aspire to find it. We all are here for unique situations and reasons. Don't force someone else's reasons upon yourself and think you have to comply. That will only guarantee unhappiness!

Thirdly, have an open mind and get rid of those preconceived notions! Seek to be better, happier, and everything will eventually fall into place. Don't think it has to be a certain way, because it doesn't. Sometimes the most unexpected surprises in life bring the most joy and purpose.

Fourth, forgive. Yourself and others. You don't have to be perfect. In fact, it's impossible to be perfect because only God is perfect. Do your best each day to be the best that you can be and walk in love to the best of your ability. When you send waves of kindness into the world they will find their way back to you. Don't fret and worry. Trust that your love and kindness will manifest in just the perfect way when it finds its way back to your heart. Life has a funny way of doing that when you let go of expectations.

Lastly, accept the shortcomings of others just as you would like them to accept your shortcomings. When you let go of high expectations, there is less to disillusion you and less of a chance for unhappiness. There is also more of a chance for peace because you aren't expecting certain situations and outcomes to occur.

Life isn't easy. But when you walk it in love and acceptance it does become a lot more fun and a lot less disappointing. Just imagine the possibilities and keep your dreams in the forefront of your mind; strive each day to make them happen. Some day you'll turn back and look behind you to find a beautiful path having been paved in your wake....what a beautiful legacy to leave for the upcoming generations!

The Ease Of Transmitting Contempt

None of us likes contempt. We shy away from it for the most part. We don't want to live with it. We don't want others looking at us with it. But yet, at times, it is so easy to spread around. If we find ourselves in a bad mood, it spreads. If we become judgmental, it spreads. If we have misunderstandings, it spreads. The sad truth is, contempt is easily caught, much like a virus. And if we remain unaware as to its capabilities, we become its victim.

Hurt by Diamante

If someone hurts you, you will feel contempt toward them. And that is understandable. It takes great strength not to act on it if you find yourself in that position. It is truly a person of great character and wisdom who knows how to proceed in peace and not take up the hateful attitude that contempt brings. It is always easier to get mad than to forgive. Forgiving, however, creates a much more well rounded person in the end. And a much healthier, happier one. But it takes great effort to be that type of person.

Using scapegoats is a common practice. When a certain person harms you, you want to react in the same way to all people who remind you of the person that victimized you. That is a normal reaction as well. But think about practicing that type of mindset. You just may be victimizing someone innocent. And kind. You never know until you completely understand each person you are interacting with. It also re-victimizes you in the process by dredging up old pain and agony. Why do it? It's so much better to seek peace.

There is such a tendency to want to criticize others who are different. And the sad truth is you are different as well. Different to many people who don't understand or know you. So does that give others a right to tread on your humanity? No. We need to practice temperance toward each other because nobody is perfect. If you find yourself having a bad day, the best policy is to hold your tongue or seclude yourself until you get you mindset under control. There is enough hate in the world. What we need is love and peace.

The old adage of treating someone as you would like to be treated is very true. Even Jesus talked to sinners. In fact, He singled them out so that He could help them. And the sad truth is, that is all of us. None of us is perfect. So why don't we try to make the world a better place by being considerate and a little practicing empathy rather than anger? Just think of how wonderful this world could be if we all tried a little harder to be just a little more understanding. I, myself, am extremely grateful for everyone who extends kindness to me. Because I'm not perfect. In reality, nobody is. When I'm having a bad day, just having someone smile at me and hold a door open can change my perspective, no matter who they happen to be. So how about being a gateway of love to others around us? Who knows? Maybe we could even find ourselves a little closer to heaven? I wouldn't mind that. Would you?

A Tribute To Those Who Are Hurting

There are so many people in the world who are in pain of one sort or another. Mental pain, physical pain, the pain of being in a difficult situation. These people suffer day in and day out without much regard from others around them. Many of these people tell others that they are fine when in fact they are not.

There are such a myriad of reasons why people are hurting. Incest, rape, domestic violence, wars, prejudice, health problems and accidents are just a few reasons. These are the types of things that can change a person on the inside and the outside. They can change a person forever.

Life can be beautiful. It can also be horrible. Since I was little, I could relate with "horrible". And I always had a feeling inside of me that I wanted to help others who are stuck in "horrible". Maybe because I could relate. I always knew that "horrible" was truly "horrible". And the thing is, it is hard to be close to others when you're in that state. It seems that others are light years away even when they are only inches from you. It feels like there is a bubble around you and you are alone no matter how close you are to others. That is why I write inspirational stories. I want to pass some hope around.

Being Postive by Diamante Lavendar

The books I have published so far are about hope. And healing. My fantasy adventure is written in a much different format than my women's fiction novel, but they are both about new beginnings. They are both about picking yourself up by the bootstraps and starting fresh. That is a motto I live by every day. Each day is a new beginning to your new life. And if you look at it in that format, it is easier to make strides in the direction you want to head in.

It is all about perspective. And thought process. Always redirecting. Always putting one foot in front of the other to reach your desired outcome. Journey with me. We will be journeying together and reminding each other day by day. Because life is a journey and you never know just what you'll find if you let go of the old and embrace the new!

She Was Her Daughter's Example

"Why are you always gone? Who are you with? Who are you REALLY with?" she hissed at him, her eyes glaring.

"I'm with my friend Mark! I told you this!" he answered, his voice cocky as he withdrew and went to lay down on their bed.

"I'm sick of this crap!" she retorted, following him into the bedroom. "You're always gone! And you say you're with Mark but I don't believe you!"

"Well, believe it," he snapped at her. "I'm done talking."

Deep in her heart, she knew it was a lie. She stood and stared at him as he rolled over on the bed and faced the wall. It was 3:00 in the morning. He had been gone all night just like the night before and the night before that. It had been going on for weeks.

"You don't work, you don't help out at all! I'm the only one trying!" she stated, her voice shaking.

His lack of response was customary. He lay with his face toward the wall with his eyes closed.

She turned, her baby crying in the next room. She went to her daughter and picked her up out of her crib.

"Watch her while I take a shower," she said to him as she walked back into the bedroom and lay her daughter next to him.

"I'm tired," he told her, his voice icy.

"I don't care! You've been gone all night again! Take her!"

He rolled over and grabbed his daughter and pulled a blanket over them both. She continued to cry.

"She wants a bottle. Go make one," he informed her.

She turned around and went to the kitchen, making a bottle. Then she brought it back to him and he fed the baby.

"I'm taking a shower."

She walked into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it behind her. She turned on the water and sat on the toilet and cried. Her tears fell on the floor in puddles and her heart ached. She wanted to end her life, but she knew her daughter needed her.

"Why?" she asked quietly between sobs. "How did I get into this situation?"

Everything around her became blurry as she focused on her tears dropping on the floor. "I just want to be happy. That's all."


Can you relate to this scenario? Do you need a change in your life? Do you feel the need to escape? If so, don't give up. Happiness is attainable. Just change your focus and resolve to make your life better. You are only in charge of yourself, you can't control the actions of others.


She wiped away her tears and blew her nose. "I can do this. I can do anything I set my mind to." She whispered the words to herself, allowing them to sink into her heart. "Tomorrow is a new day. A day to start fresh."

As she left the bathroom and stared in on him sleeping with their daughter, she decided that this was the first day of the rest of her life. If he didn't repent of his actions, she would make sure he left. She had to be strong for herself and her daughter. After all, she was her daughter's example.